About Us

Our Philosophy

Every client situation is unique and therefore the solution for the client must be carefully crafted. The process of improvement begins with a clear definition of the client's need. Once the need has been identified and defined, the next step is to determine the challenges associated with implementing a solution. Dynamics such as logistics, availability of the learners, onsite verses online, learning styles and outcomes are all reviewed.

After each factor is examined, the solution is created. Some solutions require online modules when geography makes compliance difficult to achieve. Online solutions are also beneficial when the learners require flexibility in accessing or reviewing. Onsite solutions bring our trainers to the client's location as members of the delivery team. Some solutions require the combination of online and onsite delivery. Once the solution has been executed, the results of the implementations are measured.

Your mission is our mission. We build the skills of the individual, the abilities of the team and the strength of the corporation.

Our Promise.
We work as trusted members of your team. Confidential, creative when seeking solutions, and completely committed to the growth and development of your people. We pledge to be reliable, precise and professional at all times. True partners in achieving your long term vision.

Our Belief.
We believe in the human spirit, everyone can and does make a difference.

Who is Laidy and Ray Consulting

Laidy and Ray Consulting Inc. is a Canadian based company with international clients on four continents. Our two main divisions are online and onsite learning. Our online division provides learning where geography and cost may prevent compliance. Our experience in facilitating seminars onsite covers more than a quarter of a century. The combination of the two divisions produces significant results for our clients including:

Reduction of injury rate from 12 per 100 employees to less than 1 per 100 employees over a two year period

Improvement of sales in a slow economy by streamlining the process and focusing on the financial decision maker

Development of strategic initiatives for companies challenged with loss of margin and market share

Reduction in costs of providing annual refresher training as mandated through legislation

Delivery of online certification for volunteer coaches in amateur sport where in-class participation is not feasible nor economical